I love seeing the various tools people use for their work. These are my main ones. Clockwise from top left corner:- Leather Hammer: For flattening seams and smoothing bulk.
- Gingher stainless steal scissors: For fabric and leather cutting.
- Pattern scissors: For cutting paper. I actually don't use these that much - they're too heavy - but they look so cool.
- Plastic curve: For making round lines on patterns.
- Lighter: For burning loose nylon thread ends.
- 12" Steel ruler.
- 12" Clear grid ruler.
- 18" Clear grid ruler.
- L-Square ruler.
- Steel yard stick.
- Tiny flathead: For changing needles.
- Mid flathead: For changing feet/other machine adjustments.
- X-acto knife with #23 blades.
- Pencil
- Seam ripper: Lots of seams are ripped out, often.
- Awl: For marking patterns.
- Needle nose pliers.
- Clips: This hold the bag together while sewing (can't do pins in leather cuz they make holes).
*** I forgot to show my most used tool, an Olaf rotary cutter. These rule!